No... it wasn't an Easter Egg Hunt and we just happened to find all the little eggie cuppie holders.... (and yes, it's okay that I put this make-up-less picture of Amy on the internet... She doesn't surf the net, so I figure she'll never find out!!) (tell her and YOU'LL regret it!! You have NO idea what pictures I have of YOU! HA HA HA HA).
Okay... so, if you notice from the two pictures of Amy above, you'll find that she's wearing red nail polish. Please notice to your left the nail polish colour of the person politely telling me to feck-off.
Anyway, these pictures were taken approximately two years ago while in some small-ass town with a trailor for a liquor store for Angela's wedding shower. Ang, myself, Amy and Kathy were all staying at her vacant cousin's house for the weekend (cousin and family were on holiday). Upon our departure, Amy got curious and started opening up cupboards located in the back coat-room. Low and behold, there was this strange BRIEF CASE on the TOP SHELF... Amy and I discussed this interesting find at length. It could be a gun, or a case full of money. It really could have had ANYTHING in it. Our final decision? To leave the case where it was and agree to think it was a chess set. We didn't want to leave finger prints.
During this same trip, I tried to replicate a picture I have with Amy and Angela from the highschool days. In the picture it's the three of us, just like above, with Amy covering her face, just like above, and both Angela and I on either side (back in the day, Amy wanted nothing to do with the picture). When trying to replicate this picture some ten odd-years later, I neglected to inform my play-along friends that this is what I was trying to do. Hence the hysterical laughter coming from Ang as Amy couldn't understand why I wanted her to COVER her face for a picture. I'm sure I gave the poor girl a complex. Oh dear... please pardon me while I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes. That WAS a pretty funny moment in my life.
Okay... so, if you notice from the two pictures of Amy above, you'll find that she's wearing red nail polish. Please notice to your left the nail polish colour of the person politely telling me to feck-off.
The cat didn't look too happy about that either.
Hello!!! Last picture is of me with NO make-up either!!!
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