Friday, December 29, 2006

A few passing thoughts...

So... thank God THAT'S over. I look back at those two or three days of Christmas and think to myself, Holy Crap That Was Harder Than I Thought It Would Be. I'm definitely in a better place now... the moments of swelling emotion and instant tears have passed.

I went into Vancouver for a couple of days. Stayed with an old friend of mine, Ben. Ben's doing great. He's got a nice, little pad and was able to show me around town like a true tour guide. The architecture in BC is beautiful, the waterfront was stunning, and the smell of pot was... potent? Does everyone in BC smoke???

Being in Victoria, British Columbia has taught me one very valuable lesson that I had forgotton from previous travel experiences... Home is where the heart is. I miss my friends and extended family members very much and could not even imagine moving out here. Although it is stunning out here and things are a little more laid back, I wouldn't trade it for what I already have.

There's something else I wanted to add to today's blog as well... remember a few posts back I was talking about my online dating experiences. Well... I'm having a hard time with it. On a daily basis I am being unindated with emails from guys wanting to talk. I've been given phone numbers, alternative email addresses, addresses, pretty much everything accept access to their bank accounts. I'm finding it difficult because I can only spread myself so thin, and I am currently chatting to a few people.

I'm seriously considering deleting my profile from the online dating website I'm at. I don't know if I can take it any more. Now I know why some people don't put their picture up and why some people keep their profiles to a minimum. Anyway, I'll keep you updated as to what I'm going to do.

Hope you're all doing really great :) I miss you guys very much.
See you soon,

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

YES. They do indeed - all smoke pot, that is.